Clear Lake Houston Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 575 East Medical Center Boulevard
Webster, TX 77598 Phone: (281) 282-9555 Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Med Center/Museum District Houston Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1801 Binz Street #300
Houston, TX 77004 Phone: (713) 521-4777 Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Face yoga is touted as a new innovative and non-invasive way to achieve results similar to BOTOX, fillers, and lasers. Annelise Hagen is the creator of the technique and sells the book “The Yoga Face: Eliminate Wrinkles with the Ultimate Natural Facelift” on Annelise Hagen has appeared on popular shows such as E! News, …
Cholesterol, we’ve all heard about it, but do we know what it means? Cholesterol isn’t necessarily bad but there are two types of cholesterol that is in your blood. These are high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL is a “good” type of cholesterol which can help keep the “bad” LDL cholesterol from blocking …
"SuperFoods" You Can Use This Fall We all know fruits and vegetables are healthy, but what are some so called “superfoods” that we can take advantage this fall/holiday season? Pumpkins – they are a type of squash which are widely grown for commercial use. Native to North America, many of us are familiar with these …
McDonald's Moves to Healthier Options Eating healthy has always been the preferred option, but not all restaurants present such options. Sometimes it may not even be possible at certain fast food restaurants to purchase something that is considered somewhat healthy. At McDonalds, which is often seen as an unhealthy choice, is taking one step towards …
Pregnancy and Body Changes Planning on being pregnant or are already pregnant? There may be some body changes that you never expected. Your sex drive may take a dive. The reason for this is due to estrogen levels that drop down to levels they were before childbirth. This change means that a woman’s sex drive …
Beauty Through A Healthy Diet It should go without saying that fruits and vegetables are critical to a healthy lifestyle. These gems from nature contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a boatload of other awesome nutritiousness that won’t be found in any French fry you eat. However, did you know that a diet heavy in fruits …
Vegan Life = Plastic Surgery? I consider myself a health conscious Plastic Surgeon. Yes, I do use surgical techniques to alter the body. However, I believe and preach that we must first be healthy before we can make cosmetic alterations. Liposuction is for certain situations, not a massive weight loss plan. I went vegan nearly …